We had a wonderful Sunday. It was our Stake Conference today and they had a Canada wide broadcast. The Prophet was able to speak to us along with other General Authorities. I love our prophet!!! It was also a special Sunday for another reason. At this time every year we have a family get together to celebrate Jess, and his life. It is such a good thing, as all of my family and his family get together for a party to celebrate his life. We eat and laugh and just be together. We also take time to talk about him and all the wonderful things that we remember. It has been 7 years and I have to say that time has gone fast and slow at times. I am just so grateful to be able to be married to a guy that understands this. We are so blessed, and really this has been a miracle for both of us. We are lucky to have four families that are so close to us and that we get to be a part of. My girls get to have four sets of grandmas and grandpas that love them. I know that this is our Heavenly Fathers plan for Jess, Natasha, Scott and I. I don't know what exactly Heavenly Father has planned for us, but I do know that we will be SO SO happy. He will take care of the things we don't understand and we will have blessings we can't even imagine, as long as we stay faithful. I love that we can take time out of each year and celebrate Jess and the wonderful person that he is. I am grateful to have such a wonderful life full of all these people that love and support us. Life is wonderful.
Such a special weekend Janelle-e! I love you and your strength is amazing (that word doesn't even begin to do you justice). I love that all the families are so close-what a blessing! I love Jess too. I haven't had the chance to meet Scott yet, but I know I love him also :-)
can I just say "jess...jess with no hair! I mean NO HAT!"
I am glad you got a good laugh....but PLEASE tell me it was "THE LAUGH"
take a walk down memory lane with me: after the big BYU football game, it was JAMMED PACKED in Taco Bell, when that scrony little dude came haulin' around the corner to throw away his tray and BIT IT SO HARD! and the whole restaraunt goes SILENT.....EXCEPT YOU! :-) then the whole place goes crazy after hearing "THE LAUGH"! I serioulsy think about that night a lot! it was just so much fun. I LOVE YOU JANELLE-E. can we seriously plan a trip to see eachother this summer? I know we always say that, but I am missing you so much and I just have to meet those sweet little muffins!
jan, you really are such a strong woman! you are an example to me of how to trust our Heavenly Father even in the really, really hard times. love you
I am so glad I have your blog to read. I love your happy life and to see you doing so well. You have such a great look at life. Thanks for sharing your great spirit.
What would we do w/o blogs to keep in touch?!
Janelle and Scott....We love you and we wish we could have been then to celebrate Jess and Natasha too. One of these years we will be there. We love you Jess so much and miss you.
P.S Thanks for waking me up today. No... for real I really needed to get up and exercise. Only 14 more days till Canada and only 16 more days till we see you guys. YEAH!
Janelle...I was thinking about you today...Love what you had to say in your post. You are SO right..you truly amaze me!
Jess is missed and loved by all who knew him...
Love you and your little fam...thanks for sharing with us
I have some great pics of Jess I should copy sometime for you. I remember when my dad was in your ward while you were dating and he said he never saw two people more madly in love!
I'm so happy that you and Scott found eachother and are loving eachother to bit and loving life and making the cutest little family ever!!!!
I think you are so blessed to have found Jess and Scott. You definitely deserve the best Janelle - and I think you have it!
Love you mwah!
You are such an amazing friend. As I thought about Jess this weekend I am so grateful for the plan that Heavenly Father had for you, your faith and obedience was such a great example and I will always look up to you as a woman of strength. Heavenly Fathers love is so evident for us. You definitely are a wonderful woman who has been blessed to have two great guys in her life. I am so glad that you have a wonderful husband and two beautiful little daughters. I wished for nothing more for you, hope to see you soon!
He truly was great! Natasha was great! So glad that you all found each other. How random that my cousin's husband would find you! People were definatley looking out for the two of you! Life is great!!
jan, i am waiting for the post from san fran!! glad you had such a good time. so good to keep in contact with you!
hey jan, all i did was copy and paste what my sis-in-law did and then erase and fill in my info. hope it turns out.
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