Tuesday, March 3, 2009


She sang Happy Birthday to everyone she saw today, I don't know if she knew it was her birthday or thought it was everyone elses.
HAPPY day to you AVA, we love you sooo.
Some of the things we love about AVA
-counts to 10
-she gets so excited about the littlest things
-can almost do her ABC's or at least she almost knows the song
-know A is for Ava
-always smily
-loves her sister
-makes you feel like you are her favorite as soon as you walk into the room
-a great sleeper
-loves all her grandmas and grandpas
-always raising her eyebrows
-cleans up so well
-loves baths
-LOVES, loves nursery and asks me everyday when I am doing her hair if we are going to church
-loves her sister, they are best friends
-talks really well
-loves to snuggle, but only for a minute and she says "one minute" before she snuggles in, she is busy you know
-eats all the time and will try anything

We love you AVA, what would we do without you!!!


Baker Family said...

I LOVE sharing a birthday month with you! You are my bestest friend ever! I wish that I could have seen your on your birthday. I know that you got the same present as me...my aquadoodle!!! I had fun playing with you last week. Miss you
Love Elle

stacey said...

happy birthday ava!! she is adorable. i can't believe are girls are 2 already! she sounds just like mallory! so sweet. hopefully we will be coming in the summer or christmas (and i am secretly hoping BOTH)

The Blandon's said...

Awwwwww, so cute. I love that she tells you "one minute" for snuggling. She sounds like such a sweet child, but of course she is with such a sweet mom!
Happy Birthday to Ava.

Stephanie said...

She is a doll!! I did a mini catch up on THREE missed blogs! How does that happen? I can't believe you took them skiing - you rock my dear. Such fun times you always have!

Micah said...

Happy Birthday Ava!!! What a cutie

alix said...

Happy belated ava! I love that you share a birthday with aric, kinda cool. And so many nice things to say about this sweet little girl, I love the one about, "cleans up well" Janelle you must love that!