Thursday, May 1, 2008

I don't want to forget this.................

Do you ever have those little moments when your kids do or say something that you want to remember forever. I love that about being a mom, you get to have those moments when you just can't believe what you are seeing. I always catch myself saying to Scott did you see that or did you hear that. I love those moments. In the last month my girls have really made me know why it is that being a mom is the best thing ever.

Mia she is so excited about new words that she is learning. The last two weeks she has been stuck on the word beautiful. She needed to go to the bathroom in Superstore the other day so I am running through the store because all us moms know that a two year old has a VERY short window that you have to get to the bathroom in. As soon as we got into the stall she let out this huge gasp and said, "Mom this Potty so beautiful." I am sure all the women in there thought she was so funny, or maybe they were laughing at me because I couldn't stop myself and let out a huge laugh.

Ava loves to have us sing her to sleep. So whether it is Scott or I putting her to bed, she gets more and more excited as we are going down the stairs to her room. As soon as you put her in her bed she can't contain herself and starts sqeezing her hands into fists over and over again. She wants Popcorn Popping and she wants you to sing it over and over. How can you not sing it 6 times before bed when she loves it that much. Then you tell her don't cry, and she lets out a little cry and you say it again, don't cry, she stops. You leave the room and she goes to sleep. Amazing!!!

I love being a mom most of the time. But how can you not be so grateful for this amazing thing that you are doing, when they do these little teeny things that just make your whole day so BRIGHT. I just hope that I remember these things when they are pushing every button.


Shalyse said...

such cute stories!!! please tell me you busted out the machine gun laugh.....PLEASE!!! :-) i want to hear it right now!!!

Baker Family said...

That is adorable. Your girls are so cute and Mia really does say the cutest things ever. I love those 2.

alix said...

janelle that is seriously funny, I love the age of 2. I can picture little Ava squeezing her little fists and just hoping you'll sing that song one more time. I feel the same way about getting to stay home with my kids. Only us moms get to have some of those sweet tender little moments. Having a blog will help you to remember those moments that you never want to forget.